
If you want to know where your heart is... look to where your mind goes when it wanders!

Simplify & Enrich Your Life
Healthy Living...
two books to change your life!

Make a Difference
Red Cross Canada
Doctors Without Borders
Amnesty International
New Internationlist Mag.
UN Majority World Microbanking

Help save Mother Earth
Greenpeace Reconnect with Nature:
Skyclad "Au natural"- "The Beach"
Avec clothing- Pacific Spirit Park
Most Beautiful island retreat- Hornby Island, BC

Help Promote World Peace
- Boycott the U.S.A. - End NAFTA Now

Che Guevara- End Imperialism
"Hasta La Victoria Siempra"

Celtic Paganism - "Witchcraft"
My Definition- Start here
What is a Pagan?
This I believe
Wiccan Basics
Consecrating Tools
Dynamic Energy
28 Virtues

Poem- If Everyone Were Wiccan
Poem- Tune In To Nature
Poem- Rugby / Naturist

Altar & Tool Photos

Kewl Wicce Websites
The Elder's Path

Son Stuart's Insight
Stuey's Insight

Inquiries? E-Mail - Magickall_Wizard

Website Visits:
Wiccan Always- "this life" since 1972... website since 1995