Webpage & Website Design

HTML Introduction
Hyper Text Markup Language

HTML is the simplest programming language of the World Wide Web (WWW)
(more complex codes include Java, XHTML, XML, etc.)

HTML tags are simply hidden (command) information
found within angle < > brackets.

These tags tell the Web browser
(Netscape, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.)
how to display the information (text size, bold, center, left, etc.).

HTML documents can be created in any word processor that has HTML save translators or an HTML creation tool like Firefox Composer,
MS Frontpage or Dreamweaver, etc.

HTML tags are not case sensitive but they must be in American spelling.
i.e. it does not matter if you type CENTER, center, Center or even cEnTeR but you can't use centre or colour ONLY color

Some Tags work with a mate i.e. bold on & off .
If you fail to use the mate, that effect is NOT turned OFF
(in this case the rest of the page would be bold).

• Good Website Design

• Poor Website Design
• Basic HTML Code

• Basic HTML Code con't

LR 1999

Citadel Middle School