Hypertext Markup Language - HTML

F. Text Link to Favourite sites

One of the first things students like their pages to do is link to a favourite site and the easiest way to do this is with a text link.
An anchor or hot link address can be entered into their body as follows:
<A href="http://www.meraloma.com">My favourite site</A>
• the actual code is <A href=" "> </A>
with the bracketed quote being filled with the actual link address and the space before the </A>
in italics being text visible on their page.
See sample syntax on page 20 C & D.

G. Links to Other Pages

A page may be linked to other pages on your own site by inserting a Hot Link to another page as follows:

<a href="pagel.html">Link to page 1</A>

pagel.html is another website page and Link to page 1 the visible hotlink text.

H. Images (Photos)

Any scanned image, picture or photo can be posted to a web page if it is converted to a gif or jpeg.
To insert an image (photo) the code <img src="name.gif"> is inserted onto a line in the body of the page
where name.gif is the exact name of the saved .gif image or name.jpeg is the name of a jpeg image
(note Joint Photographic Experts Group image files are also affixed as .jpg).

I. Button Link to other Web Sites

A more effective way to insert a link, is with a Button or Icon link.

Students can insert a button into their web page by saving a smaller image (gif or jpeg) to their disk from the internet.
The code line must make reference to the exact name of the file.
The line must also refer to a link page as follows:

<a href="http://www.cbc.ca"> <img src="cbc.gif"> <br> Link to CBC </A>

The first part of this link shows the full URL address for the CBC web site http://www.cbc.ca.
The second part shows an image called cbc.gif being used as a button and finally,
the words Link to CBC placed on the line under the button because <br> is a line break.

It is also possible to make a graphic / icon in a paint programme like MS Works or ClarisWorks
and convert it using a gif or jpeg converter (also available on the internet).
(SEARCH for "gif converters")
It is necessary to know what format the converter prefers i.e. PICT, TIFF, etc.
(Many prefer PICT format)
See HTML - Images, Buttons & Hot (Hyper) Links page 21

Page 21 makes reference to insertion as done in Page Spinner, however most Editors follow the same basic insertion procedures.

J. Viewing Your Website

1. Web sites may be viewed by opening them in Netscape with File / Open File.

2. Students can post their web site pages to Free WWW servers like Geocities at www.geocities.com or AngelFire at www.angelfire.com,
so that people off your LAN can view them BUT that is a whole other set of workshops
ask kids in your school who have done it to step you and other students through it.

K. Text insertion - adding words to your webpage

- type them into the body area i.e. After <Body> and above </Body>
- Use <BR> to put text on different lines, use <P> to insert a space line.

L. Text size
- e.g. <FONT SIZE=6> Sample text </FONT>

- scroll over text
- choose Size / Font size “n”

M. Text color -
e.g. <FONT COLOR=”2fd3ff”> Sample text </FONT>

- scroll over text
- choose Text / Text Color and one of 16 colors or
go to Other at bottom and use color wheel (slide toggle first)

N. Background color - e.g. <BODY BGCOLOR=”ffccff”>

- highlight and delete the <BODY> tag
- choose Menu / “Helper Assistant” next to Window (in Menu top of page)
- select Document Body...
- in Color box (at center page) click on box next to Background
use color wheel (slide toggle first) to select color
- Select APPLY or INSERT at window bottom
- Delete the extra </BODY> that is also applied

O. Inserting Images
<img src= “name.gif” width=23 height=56>

Place cursor on page where you want to insert image and Save page (command S)
2. Open Image tool (to right of Anchor - green square, red triangle, yellow circle)
3. click on folder beside Filename box, select .gif or .jpeg file in your image folder
4. If you choose to, select Align “left, right, top, bottom, etc”
Select INSERT (or APPLY) at window bottom

P. Hot Link (Hyperlink)
<a href= “http://www.disney.com”> Disneyland Website </a>

Place cursor where you want HOTLINK and Save page (command S)
2. Open link tool in tool box (looks like an 8)
3a. Click on Folder to right of Enter URL box and open a page to link to in your folder.
3b. Or enter a complete URL address (with http:// ) such as http://www.disney.com
4. Enter text in Text box e.g. Link to page 2. or Link to Disney Website
5. Select APPLY or INSERT at window bottom.