Good WebPage design
is a lack of the
elements that make Bad WebPage design.
Avoid Bad web page elements - Keep
concepts in mind:
- Background does not interrupt text
- Text is big enough but not too big to read without scrolling
- Organizationa and info hierarchy is clear
- Text columns are narrower than in a book for easier screen
- Font selection - in
general follow good DTP Typography Rules
- buttons and bars are easy to understand and use
- consistent throughout web site
- buttons and bars provide visitor with clues to where
they are, page of the site they are currently on
- frames, if used,
are not obtrusive
- large site - index or site map
- Link colors coordinate with page colors
- Links are underlined so they are instantly clear to the
- Buttons are not big and dorky
- Every graphic has an alt label
- Every graphic link has a matching text link
- Graphics and backgrounds use browser-safe colors
- Animated graphics turn off by themselves
- pages download quickly
- main parts of first page and home page fit into 800 x 600
pixel space
- all other pages have the main immediate visual impact
within 800 x
600 pixels
- good use of graphic elements (photos, subheads, pull
quotes) break
up large areas of text
- every page look like it belongs to the same site; i.e.
repetitive elements that carry throughout the pages