Slide Show

PowerPoint project which should last a total of 20 minutes.

1. Start a Power Point - 1st slide should reference to 10 year Anniversary
1994-95 to 2004-2005
2. Place a large variety of pictures using Insert / Picture / From File
(All images are found in Students - 2005 Pics)

3. To adjust picture sizes use View / Toolbar / Picture then adjust "size" to 3 to 7 inches

4. Add text to identify team or group

5. Add Animations, Slide Transitions and Automatic timing (3 to 5 seconds per slide)
This project is worth 10% of your overall mark.

10% - Chronology (time order) - start with construction images
10% - Variety (in 20 minutes)
30% - Special Effects (see samples)
40% - Overall creativity in 20 minutes
10% - choice of appropriate music tracks

One (1) project will be chosen to be the School's Yearend slide show.
All students, however, may burn their project to CD to keep as an Electronic yearbook.