Dylan Thomas on Poetry

1. Poetry is the rhythmical,
inevitably narrative movement
from an overclothed blindness
to a naked vision
that depends in its intensity
on the strength of the labour
put into the creation of the poetry.

2. Narrative is necessary…
abstract poetry has no narrative
and is consequently dead.

3. On Inspiration
[I do not wait for an inspiration]
The writing of a poem is the physical and mental task
of constructing a formally watertight compartment of words
with a main moving narrative
to hold a little of the real causes and forces
of the creative brain and body.

The causes and forces are always there
and need a concrete expression.
Impulse / inspiration is only a sudden coming
of energy to the craftsman’s ability.

4. Whatever is hidden [within yourself]
should be made naked;
be stripped of darkness…
to make [writing] clean.

Criticism of Dylan Thomas' Poetry

poetry should be the poet's expression after the creative conflict not during the conflict

Richard Church - Dylan's eventual publisher