Roots and Wings
Children need
strong roots in order that they might have steady wings to fledge from
nest when ready.
Obviously little ones don’t
really remember much before they are 3 or 3.5, but having contact with
great-grand parents, if any be around, would be a part of that,
especially in film documentation, so that many years from now they
might know another little part of where they came from.
There is a very poignant video
clip of Great-grandma Mac saying good-bye to Tee then Stuart (we’d
gone up around
her 5th birthday). Tee and Stuart heard
I didn’t until I looked at the video a few weeks later after she had
passed beyond the veil. What
they heard was her saying “good-bye”, PERIOD !
• Shortly after we left, Tee asked in a soft
concerned voice, “Is
grandma going away dad?”
• Stuart, joined in with his tiny 'lithp' between
‘asthmaticky’ breaths,
"hNo, she’s sthaying here. Huh-hI don’t
her tuh-huh go away!”
• “Well someday she’s
going away- she’s going to be with grandpa!”, I
• “Grandpa’s dead dad!,” Taisha
• Stuart, added-
“ h’I don’t hwant gramuh …
t-huh-be deadt dad!”
• “Well we all have to die someday, not all
of us really lives.”
I offered again. They
were quite silent for a while after that.
Of course her gentle spirit is all around her beloved cabin
they are there.